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Jonathan Armstrong
Environment Artist


Jonathan has five years of professional experience who has worked for a number of AAA studios with four shipped titles. He has a bachelor's degree in Interactive Design and Game development. For his 3D work he primarily uses Maya, Photoshop, and Zbrush. He is also proficient in 3DS Max. His work on other titles required baking high polygon to lower polygon models and he develops game-ready art that is efficient in both vertex count and also material usage. He has a strong technical understanding of development and easily learns proprietary tools and engines and also has built his own Maya scripts. This understanding helps him to complete tasks faster because he is always looking for a more efficient method to create art, especially if the task is something more repetitive in nature.

He is professional, a team player, puts an emphasis on communicating with his teammates, and plays the latest video games. Currently, he is focusing on developing art for next-gen pipelines—both realistic and stylized work—and is heavily using Physically-Based Rendering shaders and utilizing them in Unreal Engine 4.


-Featured in Exhibition section of 3D World Magazine (July 2010)
-Associate Environment Artist at Junction Point Studios
-Environment Artist Internship at Vigil Games
-Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts at Savannah College of Art and Design
-Elected Who's Who Among Students
-Top 10 Finalist in 3DBuzz.com's "Old School Unreal Level Design Contest"

email: jonarmstrong1@gmail.com
© Jonathan Armstrong 2014